Please be advised that any allusions to child abuse or neglect, be it benign or criminal, are meant as one of the following
a. satire
b. self deprecating humor
c. shock value
d. humorous exaggeration
e. black humor aimed at objectifying or providing distance from what is, in reality, a stressful or traumatic subject
example 1. I tossed my baby onto the towel. In this case the operative word "tossed" is used as a humorous exaggeration as I, in reality, really just placed the baby onto the towel in a very hurried fashion.
example 2. The baby was so naughty that I shook him! To date I have not actually used this line, but if I had it would probably have been an "a," a "c" or an "e."
Pollyanna Alerts may be declared in any of the following situations, or as otherwise deemed necessary by blog author:
Please be advised that any allusions to child abuse or neglect, be it benign or criminal, are meant as one of the following
a. satire
b. self deprecating humor
c. shock value
d. humorous exaggeration
e. black humor aimed at objectifying or providing distance from what is, in reality, a stressful or traumatic subject
example 1. I tossed my baby onto the towel. In this case the operative word "tossed" is used as a humorous exaggeration as I, in reality, really just placed the baby onto the towel in a very hurried fashion.
example 2. The baby was so naughty that I shook him! To date I have not actually used this line, but if I had it would probably have been an "a," a "c" or an "e."
Pollyanna Alerts may be declared in any of the following situations, or as otherwise deemed necessary by blog author:
a. when a reader leaves a comment on the blog that reveals that they have not read, or do not understand, article I of the disclaimers.
b. when a reader confuses political incorrectness with evidence of a corrupted soul or unstable psyche.
example. Joking about shaking babies is wrong. Don't you know that shaken baby syndrome is a real tragedy? You disgust me! You really need some serious help! Please see Article I Section (d) for further clarification.
Dear Department of Human Services,
If I should say anything in my blog along the lines of...
So I gave my baby a knife to play with...
So I forgot my baby was on the car roof...
So I had to scrape moldy barnacles out of the kitchen sink before I could rinse his bottles...
So the kid's always yelling for attention when he's in the tub and I'm downstairs on the phone...
So my baby walked into the bar and said...
Please understand that I'm just kidding. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Sometimes I write this stuff late at night and don't really know what I'm saying.