
Feeding Frenzy

Battle weary and sleep deprived, we find ourselves suddenly the leading stars of our only little Theatre of the Absurd....

Daddy: So, we should talk about the 4am feedings.

Mommy: What about them?

Daddy: Can we switch to you doing them for a while?

Mommy: I thought I was doing them.

Daddy: No, I've been doing them.

Mommy: I thought you were doing the 2am.

Daddy: I've been doing them both now for a couple of weeks.

Mommy: Nooo...I do the 4am.

Daddy: No you don't.

Mommy: What are you talking about? I know you did all of them when I was sick last weekend, but -

Daddy: I only started doing the 4am as a favor to you.

Mommy: What?!

Daddy: Because you were going back to work -

Mommy: That's not how it -

Daddy: I didn't plan to keep doing the 4am's permanently.

Mommy: Please, just let me say this all out. I just want to tell you how I understand it, then you can tell me where I'm wrong.

Daddy: Okay...

Mommy: First, I was doing the 2am and you were doing the 4am. Then we switched because I didn't want to do the first feeding any more. After a couple of days, you said how you didn't think it was fair to ME because he wasn't doing a 2am feeding anymore and so I was the only one getting up in the middle of the night.

Daddy: Yes, I did say that.

Mommy: So, if I don't do the 4am feeding, why would you have said that?

Daddy: You don't do the 4am, you do later in the morning. The 2am became the 4am.

Mommy: Well, a couple of times he's gone till 5 or 6am...

Daddy: Right, and I've been doing all the ones before that.

Mommy: You mean he's been feeding at 2 and 4 and I haven't been doing one until, like, 5am?

Daddy: Yes.

Mommy: Well, I didn't know that! I thought we were trading off. I thought you were doing the first feeding and I was doing the second. I didn't know you were doing all of them now. You said he wasn't doing his first feeding any more...

Daddy: Well, I mean, he does one somewhere between 2 and 4. Sometimes it's 3am. But I call all of that the 4am feeding.

Mommy: Oh, okay! You're calling the first feeding the 4am feeding.

Daddy: No, it's the 4am one.

Mommy: Okay, but it's the first one of the night now.

Daddy: Do you really not understand this!?

Mommy: Don't get mad! I really don't. I'm not trying to piss you off. All I'm asking is if you are calling the 4am feeding the "first" feeding.

Daddy: Yes!!

Mommy: Okay, so what you're saying is that you want me to take back over doing the first feeding at night.

Daddy: Yes. I only started doing that to make it easier on -

Mommy: All right. I thought we switched because I didn't like doing the first feeding and we thought it would be easier for you to do it because you get home late. But, you're saying that didn't really work out for you.

Daddy: Right. I don't like doing it either.

Mommy: Okay, so I'll go back to doing the first one again. If the first feeding is 4am now, I don't care. That won't bother me.

Daddy: It's just that I only meant to do it for a little while...

Mommy: Fine, I'm telling you I don't care. I'll do the 4am.

Daddy: Fine!

Mommy: Fine!!
(Followed by 24 hours of mutual silent treatment)


flowerpower70 said...

Who do you think you are? Laurel and Hardy? Jeesh! Please, let me have the baby before you do anymore harm to him! ha ha

flowerpower70 said...

yeah, I meant, Abbott and Costello.... sorry!

Don and Paul Matt said...

Yes this reminds me of the "Who's on First" dialouge.

Only, I know who is on first. He just doesn't get it, does he? It's about who is in charge of the "team" not who is batting first.

Anonymous said...

Boy am I glad my kids are past that stage!