Prom Night
Christmas riddle
Halloween 2008
Lil' Lexicon
Baby’s Current Lexicon at 19 months old
Words he says all the time:
Baby: Used to refer to himself or his stuffed animals. Sometimes used to refer to his father or me, as in he points to one of us, says “baby” and laughs hysterically.
Mommy, Mamma, Mimi: Mother.
Ma: Either means mother or milk.
Dadda: Daddy.
da DA!: Meaning unknown. Perhaps indicates excitement or interest in something.
Car: Cars, gears, machines, anything with wheels, ceiling fans.
Ball: Ball.
Moo: The sound of cows, pigs and sheep.
Yellow: This is a new one. It’s the first color he’s learned to say and it’s interesting because he has always seemed to favor yellow. The placement of his tongue for the ELL sound is, admittedly, still a little unorthodox.
No: Hell no.
NooOoo: Oh my, but you simply mustn’t do that.
Hi: Greetings.
Hello: Greetings (used primarily when he’s on the phone)
Bye: Fare thee well.
Juice: Juice, soda, beer.
Uh Oh: I’ve dropped something; I’ve seen something on the floor that looks like someone might have dropped it there at some time; I’ve thrown my truck across the room (narrowly missing your head) and would like you to go pick it up for me.
Tractor: one of his first, now rarely used since the discovery of “car.”
Oww: (meow) Cat.
Shoes: Shoes.
Bath: Bath.
Tree: Tree.
American Sign Language words: milk, ball, bird, hungry, water.
Words he says infrequently: tickle, light, clock, down.
Words his father says he has heard him say: ABCs (not A – Z, but literally “a-bee-sees”), castle, grandma, zebra, bird, truck, yogurt, banana, balloon.
My Reader's Digest Moment
“Ring! Ring!” I said loudly and picked up the phone. My little dumpling immediately began grappling for the receiver.
“Oh, uh huh, yeah…. hmmm….,” I murmured earnestly. Now the baby was clawing at my eyes.
“Yes, I see…” Was that a toy tractor that just hit me upside the head? “Well, okay then, thanks for calling.”
I hung up the phone and turned towards Nathaniel very somberly. “Baby,” I said, “that was God. He told me to tell you that…HE DOESN’T LIKE YOU!!!!”
Crib Recall
But, you can’t help thinking about the two families known to have lost their babies because of this issue. A 9-month old and a 6-month old. It breaks my heart to imagine those couples happily putting their cribs together for their new babies, and then that moment turning so tragic some months later.
To this day, while on road trips with my mother, she warns me about what I should do if we got into trouble. ”Now, theoretically, if we get abducted, I want you to run if you get a chance,” she’ll tell me. “Don’t try to stick around and save me, just get out of there.” I nod, and say, “yeah, sure, mom,” thinking to myself that she’s nuts. What does she mean get out of there and leave her? Now, though, I’m starting to get it. Imagining something bad happening to your kid is beyond horrible.
Things that make you go...ewwwww
2. Hearing yourself say, “Okay, Baby, new rule. No more getting your snot in my mouth.”
The One Ring
I have a friend who wears a replica of The One Ring to Unite Them All. The legend, as I far as I understand the Lord of the Rings, claims that it is the little piece of jewelry that selects its master, not the other way around, and it will stay with its chosen one until it is ready to move on.
Sitting outside with my baby, my friend’s ring suddenly fell off of her finger, something it had never done before, and rolled across the ground straight to Nathaniel.
Now, I'm not saying he's the "One True King," or the "Chosen One" or even the "Dark Lord." I leave you, Gentle Reader, to draw your own conclusions.
Baby's First Felony
Stomach Flu?
One Year Old! (Two months ago....)
I have not been blogging because I thought that there was no way I could add anything more until I got his One Year Birthday pictures posted. Unfortunately, the task of getting the pictures off of my camera and onto the computer seemed an oppressingly insurmountable task.... But at last, it is done!
Theme: Pingu
Guests: Toddlers and their parents
Snacks: Strawberries in chocolate “penguin suits,” pigs in blankets, hummus and a goldfish cracker fountain set at kid level so they could dig in at will
Beverages: juice boxes and mimosas
First Haircut
Lori sneaks up from behind with the scissors. This hairdresser extraordinaire was instrumental in teaching him to hold his own bottle, but how will she handle coaxing him into his first haircut? far so good....
In fact, I think he actually likes it...
Ultimate Novelty Toy
Recently I realized that I am addicted to Novelty. I love getting involved in a new interest, purchasing all the required tools, feeling the thrill of expectation and adventure as I look visualize my whole new life as a painter of watercolors, a gardener, a cabinetmaker.
So many things are most fun when just imagined. After a few tries at it, it’s all of a sudden routine, just one of the things that you do – in fact, something that you have to do because you’ve invested all of this money and time in it already, and you don’t want to be a quitter, and finally it becomes just a chore to dread.
What a gift it is, then, to have a baby around. Each morning they wake up another day older and with some new talent or trick, sometimes small, other times startling. Is there a single day that they are not novel?