"There is most certainly a conspiracy afoot to hide the whole truth from potential new mothers. Were it not for this organized campaign, our species would run the very serious risk of losing all evolutionary viability. The Le Leche League may or may not be involved." -Government’s Investigative Committee on Parenting
Sweet, nourishing miiiilk. Give it me now.
- After being a single mom for four years, Nathaniel now has a stepdad!
- Those four years were rough, but I found out I could handle it which was awesome.
- These years also were a long saga of emotional difficulties for Nathaniel and after many therapy sessions, teacher meetings, psychologists, etc etc we ended up with "the good new and the bad." Good: His I.Q. got him a Mensa membership at age 8. Bad: ADHD and ODD. Okay, I'll retract the word "bad" and say "challenging."
- I didn't write in here for a long time because, after a divorce, you worry what can be taken out of context and used against you...and my humor leans to the self-effacing. Judge: you say here in your blog "I'm a totally screwed up mom. What did you mean by that?" Me: I was joking? Sort of?
I laughed my way through your entire site...brings back very happy memories! I look forward to more funny stories as baby Nate continues to grow, discover, crawl and get into places you never imagined possible!
Kate, would you consider syndicating your blog? I know someone with a child care site that is interested.
Site feed is discussed here http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?answer=133
You need to write.
You are not reading my blog so you can't use that as an excuse, either.
Has raising this child suddenly become more time consuming. Not. You are theoretically getting better at this and should theoretically be more efficient and theoretically have more time.
Certainly we know that Nate is getting exponentially more entertaining. Please share with the childlessly pathetic people of your community with lots of time on our hands the joy of maternity.
What a wonderful site. Your writing is funny and crisp and brings the photo's of your sweet baby to life....
I'm all caught up and your recent posts exceed all expectations for entertainment....
Keep writing... it lifts us all.
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