
Buddhism for Babies?

Yeah, I know. I must be crazy. Teach a two year old to meditate? Where do I get these ideas? The problem is, I just know how! Needless to say, there's not a lot of info out there on Buddhist meditation for two-year-olds. Tonight was my first attempt, and here is how it went down.
Baby was whining because I wouldn't let him watch the "teetee" (ie television). So, I asked him if he wanted to meditate. He readily agreed, having no idea what I was talking about. He probably thought "meditate" was the name of a new Teletubbies episode. Next, I went on line to find a Buddhist chant. I don't think I can start him off with the subtle concept of simply sitting still quieting his mind. I'm thinking I should start him with a chant and let him learn how to be still and focus on that.
I'll cut to the chase...he did NOT sit still and get into chanting with me. Yet, the results were still kind of fun and interesting. I found an audio of the Buddhist chant Sabbe satte suhki huntu (may all living things have peace) and as it played he almost immediately stopped fussing. He started laughing and being playfully mischievous.
I sang the chant off and on for the next hour before bedtime and he quickly picked up the first word of it and sings it. So, I'm going to keep trying. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open!

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