
Unsolved Mysteries

It is generally accepted that girls use way more TP than boys. If so, then why does my bathroom tissue last forever now that my hubbie's moved out of the house?
Some time ago, I bought ten adorable juice glasses at Target. I now have two left, although I never saw or heard of any of them being broken or lost. What did he do with all of my juice glasses over the years?
I would think that the toddler in the house would create the most trash. However, since splitting with my husband, our household trash output is less than half what it was.
A roll of paper towels lasts me two weeks or more. We used to go through two in a week. What was he using all those paper towels on?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the TP is used less b/c he's not there to blow his nose. He may have used the PT to do the same instead of dashing from the table in the middle of a conversation with his hand held over his nose. The juice glasses ARE a mystery.