
Scary Clown Song

One day, while trying to soothe my poor, screaming infant I landed upon this nonsensical song and it, combined with rhythmic marching around the house, worked like a charm. In the song, baby goes through the house asking various pieces of furniture and appliances if they have seen a clown. Each item answers back with some response vaguely connected with their function. The inspiration...a clown doll which, with the help of a black magic marker, leers with a menacing and naughty expression from the baby's cradle.

[Disclaimer: To date, no clown dolls have actually come to life and, possessed with evil, harmed any babies]

It's called "The Scary Clown Song" and it goes a little something like this...

I’m walkin’ roun’ town
Lookin’ for a clown
Won’t give up
Till that clown is found.

Mr. Couch,
Have you seen a clown?
Have you seen a clown
Walkin’ roun’ this town?

Mr. Nathaniel,
Nathaniel Grey,
I ain’t sat on no clown
in this town today.

I’m walkin’ roun’ town
Lookin’ for a clown
Won’t give up
Till that clown is found.

Mr. Stairway,
Have you seen a clown?
Have you seen a clown
Walkin’ roun’ this town?

Mr. Nathaniel,
Nathaniel Grey,
I ain’t stepped on no clown
in this town today.

I’m walkin’ roun’ town
Lookin’ for a clown
Won’t give up
Till that clown is found.

Mr. Piano,
Have you seen a clown?
Have you seen a clown
Walkin’ roun’ this town?

Mr. Nathaniel,
Nathaniel Grey,
I ain’t played no clown
in this town today.

And so on and so forth....until you find the clown.


Don and Paul Matt said...

Okay, this is just plain spooky. What are you trying to do give Nathaniel a "Gacy" complex. I think clowns are creepy enough without adding magic marker enhancements. Nate the skate should have at least a few years of unambiguous self intoxication and joy before you start in with the creepy stuff.

Oh, by the way, thanks so much for commenting on my Great Butterfield Adventure. Even though I know you can't possibly have any interest in what amounts to a guy "road trip" fantasy involving motorcycles. It was nice of you to pretend.

You and a 14 year old french kid are my only commentators.

flowerpower70 said...

Are you the Ronald McDonald thieves? Just how far are you going to take this "Walkin' Aroun' Town, lookin' for a clown"?