
More on the family bed...

"Sometimes working parents permit (or even promote) the family bed as a way of compensating for inadequate time spent with their child during the day. Then feeling less guilty because they have nighttime togetherness, they make less of an effort to try to make time for daytime togetherness." (What to Expect…The Toddler Years)

In the list of "possible negative side effects" of sleeping en famille, this was the only one in the "What to Expect…" book that struck a surprising cord. While not intentionally replacing time spent together during the day with that at night, I recognize that I sometimes do feel like letting him sleep in our bed is an opportunity to spend a little more time with him. Add to that the calm, cute cuddliness of a toddler asleep versus a cranky toddler throwing a tantrum in the middle of the Dollar Store and suddenly these nocturnal visits seem like an opportunity for some real quality time. In any case, I think the warning to not feel so satisfied with spending time asleep together that you find it easier to ignore your kid the next day is one worth contemplating.

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