
Little Nathaniel's "little Nathaniel"

Standing there contemplating what to say in response to baby's question "Wha' dat?" as he pointed curiously at my uncovered bosom, I realized that I was at the beginning of a new and unpleasant stage in toddler development. On that day, I got out of it pretty easily by explaining that that was mommy's "chest." Generic, accurate, and completely unembarressing to say. But what about the harder things to come?

To me, "penis" and "vagina" sound like dirty words so count me out of the league of medically correct parents. I recently suggested the euphemism "thingie" to my husband, but he vetoed, suggesting the word carried with it some implication of shame. I agreed he had a point.

For the moment, I am at a complete loss and have the distinct feeling that I'm definitely running out of time.......

1 comment:

eureka mom said...

We go with "wee wee" or "weenie" for the boy, and "bottom" for the girl.

As for the "penis" and "vagina" terms, I'm right there with you. Plus, "vagina" is technically where babies come out and not what you see from the outside. So maybe we should just call it "urethra" for both males and females??

I'll probably leave "vagina" out of conversation until my daughter starts menstruating and I have to fully explain female anatomy and how it all works. I'm definitely not looking forward to that stage...