
First Haircut

You may note the highly receded hairline in this picture and wonder "Why does this little lad need a haircut?"

But closer examination will reveal the rattail extensions protruding over the baby's ears.

Lori sneaks up from behind with the scissors. This hairdresser extraordinaire was instrumental in teaching him to hold his own bottle, but how will she handle coaxing him into his first haircut?

 far so good....

In fact, I think he actually likes it...

His "after" shot. The new air of sophistication and savoir faire about him is undeniable.


Ultimate Novelty Toy

Recently I realized that I am addicted to Novelty. I love getting involved in a new interest, purchasing all the required tools, feeling the thrill of expectation and adventure as I look visualize my whole new life as a painter of watercolors, a gardener, a cabinetmaker.

So many things are most fun when just imagined. After a few tries at it, it’s all of a sudden routine, just one of the things that you do – in fact, something that you have to do because you’ve invested all of this money and time in it already, and you don’t want to be a quitter, and finally it becomes just a chore to dread.

What a gift it is, then, to have a baby around. Each morning they wake up another day older and with some new talent or trick, sometimes small, other times startling. Is there a single day that they are not novel?